Black Friday Edition

Black Friday is the day every shopaholic dreams of. Practically every store has their biggest sale of the year, or at least they advertise as such, and shoppers go mad with getting the best deals. As much as I love shopping, Black Friday isn’t exactly my favorite day of the year, but the tradition of going is.

Back when I was in High School we would get up and go to the Lima mall around 5 a.m. to be sure to get JcPenny’s Disney snow globe. Then my sister and I would be told to go and wander around as my parents shopped for us. As fun as it was wandering the mall, there wasn’t much shopping that I could do, but it was still fun to watch people rush into a store and destroy the displays.

Black Friday, a day of fun, shopping, and waking up early. I know that several people refuse to brave the stores the day after Thanksgiving and would rather stay in for Cyber Monday, but in my opinion, everyone should experience it just once. You never know you just might run across an amazing deal.


  1. I love Black Friday shopping! We normally go at 3 a.m. every year, but this year we're all far too poor to go out so we're just staying in and hanging out as a family instead.


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