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It's Officially The Christmas Season

Christmas time is here at last. Classes are beginning to wrap up, the library is full and the stores are crowded with people busy making their holiday purchases. As we all know I love the Christmas season, but sometimes the whole finding the perfect gift thing gets the best of me. Finding the perfect for someone is one of the best parts of the holiday season, but remember the perfect gift doesn’t have to be the most expensive. As cliché as it sounds, a gift from the heart is usually better than the latest and greatest gadget from the apple store. A lot of times when searching for the perfect gift for someone I think of their personality. An example is when I think of something to get for my Dad my goal is to leave him speechless. One year my mom and I decided to be crazy and instead of getting him a new computer or leather coat we would look beyond the normal and get him something he always wanted. A fish! So we purchased a little fish tank and on Christmas Eve that year we went to...

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